Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Grand Slam in the Bottom of the 9th- July 2, 2014

Another blue skies and flat seas day here in the Gulf of Alaska.  We were sweating bullets at Montague, we had no halibut in the boat at 12:30.  The first two spots that we tried on the front porch of the Island were not producing anything but a few rockfish.  We made it out a little late today and every area that I planned to fish already had a boat on or near the spot.  Our last desperate attempt to catch halibut was to an area I have never fished.  The bottom structure was flat and had no signs of typical halibut terrain.  I was tired of driving around in circles so we threw the anchor out anyways.  15 minutes after setting up we hooked a big one on the jig.  We lost it after a long run and a few head shakes but then another, and another.  We landed 3 fish at 125lbs, one at 100lbs and a few more in the 50lb-75lb range.  

Sometimes you just have to go with your gut. After the bite slowed down everyone chose against trying to fill the boat with tiny halibut and instead jig for Lingcod.  We set up on our first drift and hit 5 keepers right away.  It slowed down on the following drifts but we were able to catch 22 Lingcod retaining 11 keepers out of the bunch.  We caught 12 Halibut and 11 Lingcod, equaling #437 pounds of fillets at the dock...not too shabby.

Patience pays off in Halibut fishing,  Way to stick it out everyone- the crew and I had a blast and we look forward to fishing with you all again this month.  FISH ON!!

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