Saturday, June 9, 2012

June 9th - On The Move

Precision Dental from Anchorage chartered the boat today for another full day halibut trip.  We sold a fat stack of derby tickets and headed east in pursuit of the elusive "hog" halibut.  Our first spot was very productive, as soon as we dropped our lines we had a halibut, a lingcod and a King Salmon.  Always exciting to get instant action.  We caught a few nice halibut but couldn't keep the lingcod from hooking up.  Usually not a bad thing but Lings are not legal to keep before July 1.

I pulled the anchor and moved a bit shallower hoping to get away from the Lings and closer to some bigger halibut.  It was a bit slower than our first spot but we still managed to pull 3 nice fish off it in an hour.  I wasn't liking the way the tide was flowing in that area so we pulled the anchor and traveled further east to one of my favorite spots in which I haven't fished in over 4 years.  Slow bite but we hooked one at 50lb and another around 75lb.  It was hard to tell how big they were because the water was only 55' deep and the fish have plenty of energy in the shallow water.  Great day, great weather, zero wind and calm seas made for another perfect day of fishing in the Gulf.  Thanks for coming out again, Bill! We look forward to next year's trip.  FISH ON!!

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