Thursday, July 26, 2012

July 26- Halibut and Lingcod Trip

Today's trip was a halibut/salmon exclusive but the silver fishing the past two days has been slow so we decided to target lings in place of salmon.  It was a  slow start, with no halibut biting at our first two big fish spots.  The current was a bit off this morning causing for sideways sit on anchor.  It's always tough when all the lines on one side go directly under the boat.  The morning bite consisted of mainly yellow-eye rock fish and lingcod.  We moved twice but couldn't entice any hogs to take the bait.

Early afternoon we slid off the pile and into the flats, landing directly on top of a giant school of halibut.  It took about 45min to limit the boat with 15-30lb halibut.  The average was good and the fish all looked healthy.  By 2pm the tide was at slack, and time to set up on the lingcod grounds.  Also a slow start, seems they like current just as much as halibut.  Once the tide switched into a incoming the lings started swimming out from behind structure and biting the jigs.  We ended up with 9 and released a bunch because of size.  The lingcod have to be at least 36" to keep.  Day 3 of great weather in a row, Seward has been sunny but a layer of fog has been over the fishing grounds everyday.  Ill take fog over wind and rain any day.  Fun trip today, hope the fishing is as good for us tomorrow. FISH ON!!!

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