Sunday, May 25, 2014

Hot spring bite at the Island

We started the season off today with a bang! We ventured out to Montague Island for some spring halibut fishing.  We fished the outgoing tide starting at 11am and by the time the current picked up and sent our scent trailing behind the boat the madness began.  It was constant action for a good three hours.  We ended up catching many halibut in the 30lb-50lb range.  Some of the fisherman on the Sea Quest were fortunate enough to catch multiple big fish.  

New fishing regulations in Seward and all of area 3A permit fisherman to a bag limit of 2 halibut per day, one of which must be 29" or under.  The fisherman in the picture had already caught her big fish of the day and had to release this 100 pounder.  It's not an easy task releasing fish this big and after 20 minutes of trying to tire the fish out enough to pull aboard to get a pic we decided against it.   

lost a good chuck of my finger during this release...small price to pay for an awesome catch

Lance helps this young angler land his first halibut ever

Tomorrow will be a friends and family trip with 35 people, things should get interesting.  Check the blog tomorrow night for details and pics from the trip. FISH ON!

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