Saturday, July 12, 2014

Off The Ocean and On The River- July 10, 2014

A 24" smiling Rainbow Trout. He was so happy to hear we would be releasing him!
A nasty weather system rolled into the North Gulf this week causing the Sea Quest and crew to be landlocked.  Not knowing what to with ourselves, naturally we resorted to the Kenai River.  We tagged along with Matty and Bob from Drifters Lodge on a float down the middle river.  The fishing started slow but by mid morning the bite picked up tremendously.  Matty had tied up a variety of flesh fly combinations that the fish couldn't resist. 
We hooked and landed over thirty five fish throughout the day.  I personally caught a King, Sockeye, Dally Varden, and a bunch of fat rainbows.  Once again we made lemonade out of lemons, there is always something to catch in Alaska. FISH ON!
Tyler's 26" Bow

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