Saturday, July 12, 2014

Swing and a Miss- July 12, 2014

It was a tough day of fishing, no matter how hard you try sometimes you can't make the fish bite.  We were at Montague looking for a few big Halibut.  The current was ripping and we thought for sure this tide would bring in some fresh fish on the shelf.  We chummed and chummed but couldn't convince anything over 35lbs to take a hook.

A few nice chickens were landed as well as black bass but know one seemed to be home down there.

Despite the slow fishing, we all had a good time and the weather that shut us down for the past two days had diminished.  We caught a limit of small Halibut by 1:30 and spent the rest of the afternoon targeting Lingcod.  We were a bit early in the tide to really get into them, however we did catch a few nice ones. Tomorrow's weather is looking good and already we have an advantage because at the least we know where not to look!  FISH ON!

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